Milestones – done or not?

<Wolf Blass & Baileys!>
Every now and then something nice happens in EPM, something that makes life simpler!  This happened to me before Christmas (where did the last 8 weeks go to?) so figured I’d blog this now…, however,  to get this to work I have to break one of my golden rules of not assigning resources to milestones – maybe it wasn’t so golden after all.
For this scenario to work you need to set the collaboration options for the project to % of work complete.
Then assign resources to milestones (arghhh!) and publish the project (M1 and M2 below)
and open the tasks in My Tasks.  You’ll find that for statusing for the milestone tasks you now have a choice of Not Done or Done (instead of % complete).  Kinda neat and a very simple way to track milestones.
Beware though, there are still issues (IMHO) regarding assigning resources to milestones (I’ll blog some later), but for now, this is a great way to tracking milestone items.
Good luck with project server, sometimes it’s surprising!